National NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme offers free support to help you reduce your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
The buttons below contain PDF links to the patient leaflet and the self referral form.
National Diabetes Audit
At Rowden Surgery we take part in the National Diabetes Audit (NDA). The NDA checks to see whether people with diabetes are getting good care. There are very strict rules about how your information is used and stored.
If you do not wish to be included in the audit please let the surgery know.
There is more detailed information you can look at on the main website: National Diabetes Audit.
Diabetes is a serious illness that requires regular follow-up. We can provide most of this care within the practice, but we also use external services provided by outside agencies where appropriate.
The nursing team will perform your annual check and review your recent blood test, management of co-existing diseases that impact upon diabetes and referral for insulin support where needed.