Carers at Rowden
The definition of carer is: “someone who is responsible for looking after another person” that could be someone who has a disability, someone ill or elderly. While it can in many situations, it doesn’t always mean you must be providing hands on physical care.
We understand not everyone would choose the word ‘Carer’, it might not feel relevant to you. You might be looking after someone with a mental health issue, someone with substance dependence, someone who needs a chaperone in social situations, a parent with memory issues or always being on the phone with someone who relies on your support. But we want to make sure you are still able to access the services available for supporting you.
If you look after someone, please let us know – we may be able to help.
A Carers Lead is someone who’s responsibility is to ensure carers concerns are being addressed and receiving the level of support needed to meet their needs, as well as providing signposting to carers support services and acting as a voice for carers.
We believe you are as important as the person you care for.
The carers lead at Rowden Surgery is: Sophie
If you have any questions or concerns, please call your practice and ask to speak to the Carers Lead.
Call 01249 444343 if we can help in any way.
The definition of a carer is: Someone who is responsible for looking after another person, that could be someone who has a disability, someone ill or elderly. While it can in many situations, it doesn’t always mean you must be providing hands on physical care.
If you look after someone, please let us know – we may be able to help!
Ask us for a form and return it to Reception to inform us of your caring role.
We understand not everyone would choose the word “Carer”, it might not feel relevant to you, but we want to make sure you are still able to access the services available.
Register As A Carer
Please complete the form below if you are a carer, and return either by post, email ( or hand in at our Reception desk.
Non-urgent advice: We’re Platinum!
We work very closely with Carers Support Wiltshire and Rowden Surgery holds a Platinum Carers Accreditation and we pride ourselves on keeping carers the topic of discussion. We have held this award for two years and plan to continue our work in this field.
Additional Useful Links
Breaks for carers | Your care Your support Wiltshire
Carers: help and support – Citizens Advice