SystmOnline Tips

SystmOnline Username

Your username for SystmOnline can be your First name, Surname & Date of Birth or it can be your first name with 5 numbers. On some occasions, it may add 3 additional characters to the end of your username (see 2nd example)

Example 1:


Example 2:


Example 3:


When you registered for SystmOnline, you should have received a verification email. Please follow the link in this email as it will allow you to reset your own password without needing to contact the practice. This can be done using the “I’ve Forgotten My Password” option.

If you cannot login, please use our SystmConnect service to request assistance (if you are a registered patient with our GP practice). A member of staff will get back to you as soon as possible.


The verification email may not have been completed successfully, therefore we would need to send this to you again for you to be able to reset your password.
There can be a number of reasons, the most common issue is that when you setup a password on SystmOnline for the first time, passwords are case sensitive and the “other character” has been missed off. 

Here are the requirements for setting up a password on SystmOnline:
– be at least 8 characters long
– contain at least one letter (a-z)
– contain at least one numeric character (0-9)
– contain at least one other character (e.g. !”£$%)
This means that you have run out of repeats for this medication and that the GP needs to authorise more. 

Please be aware that if you cannot tick certain items, you can use the “Medication Request Notes” box at the bottom of the medication list to ask for these repeat medications. You can also use this box for any medication queries or marking the request as urgent.
Most often it is because it hasn’t been completed within 7 days of the email being sent, you can request another verification email by contacting the practice via email on [email protected].
If you email [email protected] we can deal with your medication request and SystmOnline login query at the same time.
You have up to 5 attempts before your account become disabled.  
Please email us on [email protected] to ask us to reactivate your account if you have not been able to reset your own password. 
There is a 10 minute limit for security reasons as this directly links into your records. This may change in the future.