Quote / Testimonial:
Please be aware that the NHSapp is a national app and therefore we can only provide limited support to our patients. You can contact the NHSapp team through this link: NHS account help and support – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Problems Logging In?
If the NHSapp team have already been contacted & if you have had a linkage key from our Reception team but this does not work, you can delete your NHS login account.
These are the instructions to follow if you are having problems:
1. Delete your account
- If you are still able to log in to the NHS App on your mobile device, please do so, then select “More” (in the top-right corner), Manage NHS Login Account then Delete NHS login.
- If you are unable to log in to the NHS App on your mobile device, please visit the website via the following link: https://account.login.nhs.uk/#/manage-nhs-login/delete. For security reasons, you will need to log in with your usual NHS login credentials. Once logged in, you will then be able to delete your account.
2. Create a new account via the NHS App
- Once your login has been deleted, re-open the NHS App, select ‘Continue with NHS login’ and follow the on-screen instructions, registering using photo ID or by selecting ‘How to prove who you are without sending a photo of your I.D.’, then select ‘Yes – I use online services’. On the following screen, select ‘Yes – I have all 3 details’ and follow the on-screen instructions to complete your registration.’
- Please note, if you do not have photo ID, you will need to request 3 pieces of information from your surgery, your account ID, a “linkage key” (this may also be called a “passphrase”) and the Organisation Code (J83042).
- Once you have been granted online access, you will then be able to re-connect to Rowden Surgery through the NHS App.
Need Help using the NHS App? Here are some useful video demonstrations:
What’s on the Homepage of the NHS App?
How to see your GP record:
How to request repeat prescriptions:
How to switch profiles:
How to use 111 Online: