Travel Clinic

For any additional vaccines you need for travelling abroad, you will need to visit a private travel clinic. We are currently only offering certain travel vaccinations, you can find more information about these on this page.

Our Nurses can provide appropriate immunisations for your travel. Please arrange an appointment for a travel consultation at least 6-8 weeks before departure if possible. Vaccines need time to take effect and some may require a course over several weeks. 

Please be aware that you will need to complete a pre-travel questionnaire before your appointment. This needs to be completed per patient for those who are travelling. Please click on the “Access SystmConnect” button below and select “Health review” for the questionnaire or request a paper copy by calling 01249444343.

Select the region you are travelling to find out more.

Travel Information

The following websites will give you travel advice.

Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS

NaTHNaC for information on specific countries

MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice

EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card

Some vaccinations are available on the NHS, but many incur a fee or occasionally may need to be obtained by a private prescription from the surgery for dispensing at the chemist. The private prescription is £20.00 per patient per prescription, payable upon collection; the chemist will also charge for dispensing the drug.

Should a fee be required, you will need to pay this prior receiving the required vaccinations.

Prices are available on request.

Medical Advice

Some patients who feel they are at a particularly high risk from travelling may wish to discuss their travel arrangements with their GP. However, our nurses are capable of answering most questions and will call upon the GP’s advice if they feel the question lies outside their expertise.  

Travel Health Advice

The following information advice leaflet will help you stay healthy on your trip: Travel Health Advice Leaflet

Rowden Surgery doesn’t provide Yellow Fever assessment/vaccination or anti-malarials. Local pharmacies such as those below do offer these services-please click on the links for further information: