Useful Websites & Phone Numbers


Useful Websites

Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital:

Great Western Hospital, Swindon:


NHS Choices:

NHS Choices “Get running with Couch to 5k” programme:

Patient Advice Leaflets:

Royal United Hospital, Bath:

Southmead Hospital, Bristol:

Rehab 4 Alcoholism:

Counselling directory:

Cancer Survivorship videos:

Chronic Pain Videos:

Your Care Your Support Wiltshire:

Post Trauma Advice Leaflet for those affected by the Salisbury poisoning:

Patient Webinars | Access to Reliable Nutrition Information: 

Young People Support Links

Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people: Kooth

Health and social care services: Turning Point

Signposts children and young people in Wiltshire to sources of support for good mental health and emotional wellbeing: On Your Mind

A safe online community of people who are anxious, down or not coping who support and help each other by sharing what’s troubling them, guided by trained professionals: The Big White Wall

Bronciolitis Advice for Parents and carers of Children Aged two years and under: Bronchiolitis Advice

RUH and GWH Waiting Times

Royal United Hospitals Bath | Outpatient Waiting Times:

Outpatients | Great Western Hospital:

Overseas Vaccination Process

Tell the NHS about coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations you’ve had abroad – NHS:

Useful Telephone Numbers

Age UK 

Befriending service, benefits application support – help completing forms, advice around life events (losing a partner, planning a will, financial hardship). This is for people over 65 years only.

01380 735500

Attendance Allowance application line

The form will be sent through the post.

03456 056055

(If support is required to complete the form use DWP or Age UK instead)

Blue Badge team

Application line for a disabled parking permit.

01225 713002

Carers Support

Help for people caring on an informal basis (unpaid caring role). Counselling, phone support, carers assessment, carers break voucher, carers card alert, benefits screening, social opportunities, sitting service.

0800 181 4118

Department of Work and Pensions

Benefits enquiries for any age group.

0843 487 1838

Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

People under 65 who have care and mobility needs.

0800 181 4118

Homes 4 Wiltshire

Housing applications.

0300 456 0104


Aster living Telecare – Installation of a lifeline alarm unit and pendent. Patients should also discuss with this service the possibility of having a key safe fitted at the same time (which makes the equipment cheaper), there is also a response service which can be requested as a part of the package. The response service will attend call outs rather than relying on family and friends.

01380 735555

Patient Transport

Arriva – 0345 600 6068 or Link 01249 461881 (local)

Personal independence Payment (PIP)

Currently taking over from DLA (original DLA applicants may choose to remain on DLA).

03434 550087

Podiatry Service for Home Visits

Joanna Wheatland Podiatry & Chiropodist – The Park Lane Practice, 70D Park Lane.

01249 652169

Social services

Self referral line for a care package or an long-term equipment need.

0300 456 0111